Byte Bashers

Final project for ECE241

  • Dec 2023

Featuring Samar testing sensors with LED indicators and VGA displaying first .mif file (yes it is upside down).

Project Details

As part of a final project for our Digital Systems course, Samar and I made an arcade style game based off Whac-A-Mole. A game for visually impaired people where they can input “hits” onto grid spaces using motion detection with audio, HEX, and LED indicators. Ultrasonic sensors are read from an MCU, signal voltages are stepped down and sent to the De1-SoC, then registered as “hits” based on the location of the byte on the VGA.


Our project involved FSMs and datapaths for game logic, VGA switching and audio. The VGA display changed based off game state, switching between sprites at different locations based on a timer. Each .mif file for the displays are stored as ROM.

To learn more

Check out the repo or the presentation deck below.